This was an amazing day!!! Kevin and his adoring Wife are super heros!!! So many challenges and yet THEY SHOW UP!!! And keep showing up!! So the least I could do and match that energy!!!
Keep on fighting Kev!!! I'm with you the entire way!!
Kevin has had a long and trying battle with a C O V I D jab Injury. He lost the ability to do most everyday daily activities. We joined forces to see if we could help each other and others in this situation!!!
I am honoured to have met both Andrea and Kevin. To date we have done Live Blood, F-Scan and FireFly Treatments for a Gut Protocol and for Neurological issues. I am pleased to announce he is doing better but it will be a very long road to recovery.
Now be a good boy Kevin!!!! He has the most amazing sense of Humour!!!
This is a FireFly Treatment. FireFly represents the latest Technology in Light Therapy. FireFly accelerates the healing of a wide variety of Chronic Conditions and soft tissue injuries. It can relieve pain, promote wound healing and provide therapy for arthritic conditions and neuropathy.
This particular session is for Gut issues. The F-Scan showed all the nasties that Kevin's immune system is currently fighting. We acquired their individual frequencies and zapped them. Very effective!!!! I think he even claimed to have lost 10 pounds!!!! (this is not a weight loss gadget)
See how happy I am??? I don't REALLY take pleasure in poking people with needles!!! MUAH AHAHA
We collected his Blood to analyze under the microscope. There was a ton of rouleau, liver congestion, parasites, mineral loss, and a lack of antioxidants. My normal protocol was given a long with the suggestion of Neumi Glutathione!!!!
He and his Wife have since joined that Company and he has had amazing results with energy and an overall feeling of wellness. You can order this here
Next up..........Neurocognitive Treatments!!!!
We have had great success in this area. You can read the full study here.
Conclusions The results of this pilot study strongly suggest that PBM therapy with the Bales Photonics Firefly Clinic Pro programmed to an individual’s unique frequency has the potential to reverse symptoms of CD. Of particular interest is the fact that the average Mini-Cog scores improved even more over the 1 month washout period. This alone suggests that the therapy invoked physiological healing processes which continued to occur even when no therapy was administered.
I am pleased to say we have gotten Kevin in for more treatments and each time a favourable outcome was witnessed. This will take sometime but I am more than willing to continue helping!!!! STAY TUNED!!!!
If you want to know more about Kevin and his Story, you may follow him here